
Failed to connect 1006 VNC virtualizor

While working on one of the nodes which has Virtualizor Software was facing issues accessing VNC . giving error failed to connected 1006

The issue was due to Virtualizor upgrade

Below is the command you need to execute to kill all process using below command for VNC to work

[root@os1126 ~]# kill $(pgrep -f “/usr/local/virtualizor/enduser/themes/default/novnc/utils/websockify”)
[root@os1126 ~]# kill $(pgrep -f “/usr/local/virtualizor/enduser/themes/default/novnc/utils/websockify”)
kill: usage: kill [-s sigspec | -n signum | -sigspec] pid | jobspec … or kill -l [sigspec]

Now after retrying accessing virtualizor I can see it working fine

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