Configure PHP and suEXEC
EasyApache is currently upgrading your Apache and PHP installation.
Please wait for this process to finish before changing your PHP and Suexec settings.
EasyApache is currently upgrading your Apache and PHP installation.
Please wait for this process to finish before changing your PHP and Suexec settings.
root@as [~]# cd /usr/local/apache
root@as [/usr/local/apache]# ls
./ cgi-bin/ etc@ logs/
../ conf/ htdocs/ man/
bin/ domlogs/ include/ modules/
build/ error/ lib/
root@as [/usr/local/apache]# rm AN_EASYAPACHE_BUILD_IS_CURRENTLY_RUNNING
rm: remove regular empty file `AN_EASYAPACHE_BUILD_IS_CURRENTLY_RUNNING'? y
root@as [/usr/local/apache]#