

Got error 28 from storage engine (1030) Mysql

While working on clients server today I got the error on database while making backup of all the database using mysql dump The error was  ” Got error 28 from storage engine (1030)” root@hostonline [/tmp]# mysqldump –all-databases > all_databases.sql & [1] 19341 root@hostonline [/tmp]# mysqldump: Couldn’t execute ‘SHOW TRIGGERS LIKE ‘phpbb\_posts”: Got error 28 from […]
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libMagickWand.so.2: cannot open shared object file

While working on one cPanel server we could see below error in error_log file for one client libMagickWand.so.2: cannot open shared object file The error log were filled by such errors reinstalling imagemagick  using command  /scripts/installimagemagick  didnt work as error were still persisting . So renamed the php,ini file mv /usr/local/lib/php.ini /usr/local/lib/php.ini-old Now to regenerate […]
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Can’t create new tempfile Mysql

While working today came across new error in Mysql ” [myfuncol_student.ow_base_config] error: Can't create new tempfile: './myfuncol_student/ow_base_config.TMD Repairing the Mysql didn’t fix this issue mysql> repair table ow_base_config; +———————————+——–+———-+——————————————————————–+ | Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text | +———————————+——–+———-+——————————————————————–+ | myfuncol_student.ow_base_config | repair | error | Can’t create new tempfile: ‘./myfuncol_student/ow_base_config.TMD’ | | myfuncol_student.ow_base_config | […]
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Innodb recovery

We were getting below error on checking #  /etc/init.d/mysqld status ERROR! MySQL is running but PID file could not be found On trying to restart were getting below error root@alpha [~]# /scripts/restartsrv_mysqlWaiting for “mysql” to restart ……………failed. Service ErrorThe “mysql” service failed to start. Startup LogStarting MySQL………… SUCCESS! Log Messages150627 23:53:37 mysqld_safe mysqld restarted150627 23:53:37 […]
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VM creation has failed. Reason: No ploop support in the kernel, or kernel is way too old. Make sure you have OpenVZ kernel 042stab058.7 or later running, and kernel ploop modules loaded.

VM creation has failed. Reason: No ploop support in the kernel, or kernel is way too old. Make sure you have OpenVZ kernel 042stab058.7 or later running, and kernel ploop modules loaded. Creation of container private area failed SOlusi : cek file berikut : It seems you are using EL5 kernel. Edit /etc/vz/vz.conf change: VE_LAYOUT=ploop […]
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email trace in cpanel shows invalid date

We tried to repair the smtp table in the eximstats database and it showed the following result. myisamchk: error: ‘/var/lib/mysql/eximstats/smtp.MYI’ is not a MyISAM-table Fix: ls -al  /usr/local/cpanel/etc/eximstats_db.sql mysqladmin drop eximstats mysqladmin create eximstats mysql eximstats < /usr/local/cpanel/etc/eximstats_db.sql
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make: *** [ffmpeg_frame.lo] Error 1 ffmpeg

This error occurs due to a missing file ‘ffmpeg_frame.lo‘ in the ffmpeg-php source, while your ffmpeg-php source may contain the file named ‘ffmpeg_frame.loT‘. – To Resolve this issue you just need to rename the ‘ffmpeg_frame.loT‘ to ‘ffmpeg_frame.lo‘ and make again
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