
SVNManager error in Softaculous

SVNManager in Softaculous give erros while installing Came across this in a support request The following errors were found : – The SVN config directory does not exist. – The SVN password file does not exist. – The SVN access file does not exist.The solution is before installing svnmanager run: su – username svnadmin create […]
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VM creation has failed. Reason: No ploop support in the kernel, or kernel is way too old. Make sure you have OpenVZ kernel 042stab058.7 or later running, and kernel ploop modules loaded.

VM creation has failed. Reason: No ploop support in the kernel, or kernel is way too old. Make sure you have OpenVZ kernel 042stab058.7 or later running, and kernel ploop modules loaded. Creation of container private area failed SOlusi : cek file berikut : It seems you are using EL5 kernel. Edit /etc/vz/vz.conf change: VE_LAYOUT=ploop […]
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email trace in cpanel shows invalid date

We tried to repair the smtp table in the eximstats database and it showed the following result. myisamchk: error: ‘/var/lib/mysql/eximstats/smtp.MYI’ is not a MyISAM-table Fix: ls -al  /usr/local/cpanel/etc/eximstats_db.sql mysqladmin drop eximstats mysqladmin create eximstats mysql eximstats < /usr/local/cpanel/etc/eximstats_db.sql
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make: *** [ffmpeg_frame.lo] Error 1 ffmpeg

This error occurs due to a missing file ‘ffmpeg_frame.lo‘ in the ffmpeg-php source, while your ffmpeg-php source may contain the file named ‘ffmpeg_frame.loT‘. – To Resolve this issue you just need to rename the ‘ffmpeg_frame.loT‘ to ‘ffmpeg_frame.lo‘ and make again
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Setup Smartd monitoring on Linux

Want to get an alert when hard drive in server is going bad A tool called SMARTD is available in lInux which is free You need to use below steps to  install and configure it #yum install smartmontools #service smartd start     #chkconfig smartd on     #smartctl -a /dev/sda Now Open smartd config file and […]
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Invalid date in Email Trace cpanel

When checking the email trace option in cpanel, it reported an invalid date error. We got the following log from our cpanel error log file about what is causing the issue. What do I do when cpanel email trace not working, how can I fix it look no further we have the problem solved for […]
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rejected by non-SMTP ACL: failed to expand ACL string Exim

If you have been getting error  in exim while sending emails “rejected by non-SMTP ACL: failed to expand ACL string” Use the below fix where you need to rebuild exim config and also cop root@shared [/]# /scripts/buildeximconf Configuration file passes test!  New configuration file was installed. warn [buildeximconf] Could not find /etc/exim.pl warn [buildeximconf] Could […]
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Check if Hard drive is SATA or SSD

[root@host.onlinesupport4u.in ~]# cat /sys/block/sda/queue/rotational Result is 0 if the drive is SSD [root@host.onlinesupport4u.in ~]# cat /sys/block/sda/queue/rotational Result is 1 if drive is  SATA
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cPanel :: upcp failed, exited with code 25

I noticed below error while updating cPanel to latest one of the server: Running `/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/updatenow --upcp --log=/var/cpanel/updatelogs/update.9320814564.log` failed, exited with code 25 (signal = 0) Below was the OS installed on the server : root@onlinesupport[~]# cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS release 6.5 (Final) root@onlinesupport [~]# Further found that the cPanel config had the OS information missing as […]
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Cpanel Error “EasyApache is currently upgrading your Apache and PHP installation.”

Configure PHP and suEXEC EasyApache is currently upgrading your Apache and PHP installation. Please wait for this process to finish before changing your PHP and Suexec settings. root@as [~]# cd /usr/local/apache root@as [/usr/local/apache]# ls ./ cgi-bin/ etc@ logs/ ../ conf/ htdocs/ man/ AN_EASYAPACHE_BUILD_IS_CURRENTLY_RUNNING conf_pre_ea3/ icons/ manual/ bin/ domlogs/ include/ modules/ build/ error/ lib/ root@as [/usr/local/apache]# […]
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