
The system could not create the user “triltch” because it conflicts with an unmanaged MySQL database user and an unmanaged PostgreSQL database user

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  • The system could not create the user “triltch” because it conflicts with an unmanaged MySQL database user and an unmanaged PostgreSQL database user

While creating a new account in server was getting below error

The issue was due to mysql user already being present in server

root@srv1 [~]# /scripts/wwwacct trill.com tritch hood773ud
| New Account Info |
| Domain: trill.com
| UserName: tritch
| PassWord: hood773ud

This ok? yes
Checking input data……Done
Validating system setup……Done
Validating IP……Done
Validating Username……Done
Validating Contact Email……Done
Checking for database conflicts…(XID vh9sa4) The system could not create the user “tritch” because it conflicts with an unmanaged MySQL database user and an unmanaged PostgreSQL database user.

Steps to fix this issue

Login to WHM

Go to PHPmyadmin

Select database Mysql

Go to Option search
Select all tables inside  in option  Inside tables

In option Words or values to search for (wildcard: “%”):  put up name of mysql user which is conflicting >>

Delete all the tables you get in search tables and issue should be resolved

You can also refer in below URL



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